Cass Chiropractic Center - Chiropractor Golden Valley, MN
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  Watch Your Back Shoveling  posted 1/18/17

Snow shoveling is an inevitable part of living in Minnesota. Worse than being no fun, it's extremely hard on the low back. Anytime you lift and twist you are leaving the low back vulnerable to injury.  Short of using a snow blower or getting someone else to shovel, the best shoveling practice is to use you legs and not twist. We recommend one of those angled shoves that let's you stand straighter when pushing. You should only push straight and lift up and place the snow in a pile straight ahead. It may not be the fastest way to shovel, but it's the least damaging to the low back. And remember to always stretch before and after shoveling. Rumor has it, Hot Chocolate helps a little too.

Be careful, and if you have any questions or comments give me a call.

Your Friend in Health,
Dr. Cass











M-F: 9am - 7pm
Sat: 9am - 2pm
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